Things not really going as planned! :P

So my new years resolutions is not really going that great so far! šŸ˜¦ Well exept for the “play more games” one, thanks to the stream! ^^ But no worries, only one month has passed of this new year… (WFT its already Feb 19th?!?!?!) :O How did that happen?! Omg, time really flies! :O Haha, but it’s really no worries yet, I have 10 and 1/2 month left to try and get better! x)

Even though I have been very stressed latley with work and the stream I’ve had soooo much fun with it (stream, not work! šŸ˜‰ ) so it’s totally worth it! You guys really make my days, you are all great! šŸ˜€ I do have some days off work soon and I’m planning to use them to finally get some videos on Youtube! šŸ˜€ Yaaay! And also make some improvements to the stream! I’m really exited to get have the time to actually work on all this and I hope all of you will like the new and improved stream once I’m done! ^^

I still have one day left to work before then though and it’s a late one so the stream will start late again today! šŸ˜¦ But the good thing is I have the day off tomorrow so I can stay up late! šŸ˜€

I just enjoyed my breakfast while watching Ellen Degeneres (omg she is so great! I love her!) xD but now it’s time to get ready for work! See you guys tonight! <3<3 Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos (Look at that face! xD “Whaaaaaat?” Hahaha!)