Leading the Patapons to Victoty and Making a Lottery!

After finishing Mass Effect 3 I thought it was time I sat down and play trough a game that I’ve playing on and off for like years! Patapon! ^^ I never got around to beating it because it was so “€%&# hard! So I started up a new save and played from the beginning, turns out the game was not that hard! On my first save it had somehow bugged and every minigame but the one with the tree was nowhere to be found. So when I started playing the second time I found alot of stuff that was missing in the first! xD The stew minigame really makes all the difference so this time it was not as hard and I beat the game yesterday πŸ˜€ Wooohoo! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Oh, btw.. Playing Mass Effect 3 got me thinking, I REALLY tend to spend to much time on 1 single game. I mean I restarted it like 3 times because I wanted to do something different that I did before, or like playing the citadel DLC 2-3 times x) I have tons of games that I havent even played yet so I need to learn to “just play” a game! I suffer from the I-have-to-talk-to-everyone-a-million-times-and-collect-all-treasures-items-weapons-collectibles-and-get-all-trophys syndrome… (Yeah, it’s a real thing) ;D

Of course I’m still gonna do this with the games I LOVE, but just not all games! (This is gonna be a huge time saver! xD ) I also made up a fun way to catch up. I looked trough my collection and wrote down the names of the games I haven’t played on small notes, making it into a lottery x) So now all I have to do is take one and I know what to play next! ^^ (I never thought it would be this many! :O It’s like half of the games I own! xO But probably half of the once I wrote are games I started playing but somehow never finished, It’s high time I fix that) So since I need something to play tonight I took one from the lottery box, and the winner is…. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
I guess I’m killing zombies tonight! ^^ Hope you all have a great night! **Lotsa hugs!**

Mass Effect 3 Ending…

Well, this goes witouth saying but there are some MAJOR MASS EFFECT 3 SPOILERS comming here! If you havent played ME3 yet and are planning to, STOP READING NOW!!!

I repeat! SUPER BIG SPOILERS COMMING UP! If you continue reading it’s all on you! Don’t say I didn’t warn you! xD

((Thougts before playing the Extended Cut DLC))

I really loved ME3, it really felt like a great “last game”. Gathering forces, uniting the galaxy against a mutual enemy! It really had that epic last stand feel to it… right up until the last 10-15 minutes or so. The ending was so dissapointing! Like a railroad track leading you forward and then right over the edge! So frustrating! I mean a sweitzer cheese has feewer holes than the ME3 ending has plot holes! πŸ˜›

Ok, so troughout all games my Shepard was mainly paragon, I only used the renegade options against those scumbags who really deserved it! But still, I was good! Same in ME3, uniting the quarians and the geth, curing the genofage, my Shepard was a god d*mn miracle worker! Succeeding when there was no hope, uniting people of all races! But during the last 10 minutes of the game Shepard goes from hero of the galaxy to commiting genocide! You see, no matter what choise you pick in the end leads to the destruction of the mass relays.. And it is clearly stated in the game that the destruction of a mass relay would result in a explotion whiping out all living things around it! Obliterating all choices Shepard ever made, good or bad, in a matter of minutes.. Dosen’t matter anymore! Everything and everyone is dead! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

So what choices do you have in the end? Well however you played the game it does not change them… (For some weird reason, WFT btw?) Whatever you have done or not done, in the end you face the same 3 choices, 3 paths to walk…

1. Destroy the catalyst and all synthetic life along with it, not only the Reapers but also the Geth and EDI. (I think, for me she was with the crew on the synthesis ending but not this one)

2. Try to controll the Reapers in the way the Illusive man and Cerberus wanted.

3. Synthesis, you add your energy to the Catalyst… Shepard will be absorbed, and then sent out troughout the galaxy, combining all synthetic and organic life into a new mix, giving everything a new DNA.

Problems with said choices:
1. Well, all the times I’ve been talking to EDI and Legion about how they deserve to live and choose for themselfes is for naught. Free will and unity between all goes out the window with this option. How could I just destroy the catalyst and killing my friends after fighting so long for their right to exist?? (The only good thing about this choice is that it looks like Shepard survives!)

2. This is just stupid, here we have been fighting the Illusive man and Cerberus for this very reason! And now they expect me to be like “well, what they tried to do was wrong, but if I do it it’s ok” : P SO STUPID!

3. Combine synthetic life and organic into one.. Well, by choosing this all talk about how every living speices, no matter how different, deserves to live goes down the drain.. Solve the problem by making everyone the same..? Not really a solution if you ask me..

And now for the problems with the ending itself, starting with the talk with that AI kid, (why Shepard has been seeing him in dreams is not explained at all, but I guess I’ll let that slide : P ) Shepard has ALWAYS been questioning the bad guys.. Having alot to say to persuade or just tell them how wrong they are.. But here, NOTHING! The kid tells me that synthetic life will always try to destroy their creators in the end, there is no way to live in harmony and all Shepard has to say is “Maybe…. ” I don’t even have the option to bring up how I just made peace between the quarians and the geth! Wow, suddenly Shepard is a pushover??? :O

Oh! And while on that subject, the AI then claims that he created the Reapers billions of years ago to solve the problem of synthetic life forms killing their organic creators. The Reaper’s whole purpose is to “save” the organics by killing them and turning them into synthetics.. So that the organics won’t make synthetics who will then kill the organics… Soooo, basicly they kill you so you won’t be killed? Well that’s just a hole new kind of logic I sure haven’t heard of before! Makes sense… NOT! : P

After making your choice you see the mass relays getting destroyed (let’s just pretend this is another kind of explotion that does not whipe out all living things, just the relays) What about all those alien troops still on earth and in earths orbit? They have no means of getting home! With the mass relays gone the trip will take DECADES instead of moments. (Setting back their super evolved space travel immensly) The Turians, Quarians and Krogan can’t eat the same food as other species, so what happens when their “during the war food stock” runs out? I’m guessing starvation, leading to the krogan ultimatley eating everyone else on the planet, then the krogan starving to death : P Good job saving earth Shep!

And then there is the Normandy, holding my crew (who just moments earlier was down on earth with me btw) it’s almost caugth in the mass relay explotion but slips away at the last second… How did it even get there?? The last time I saw the Normandy it was stationed with the fleet in orbit around earth. And when did it have the time to get my crew?? Garrus and Liara was with me in the explotion that wounded me severly down on earth, I assume the were also left laying down on the battlefield like I was? Nope! They magically appear on the Normandy just a short while after! (Of course I want them to live so maybe I should let this slide too) : P Assuming they don’t start eating one another on that planet they crashed on!

And lastly a personal matter that confuses me soooooo much.. In her dying moments Shepard has a flash of some of those close to her, I see Andersson (makes sense, they were close and he was with me in my last moments) I see Joker (Also makes sense, him and Shepard were close friends and he’s been there from the start) Then I see Liara and afterwards other cutsceens starts playing… No offence, I like Liara.. But what??? Liara?!?! What the fudge?? Ok they were also close friends but I’m kind of sure my Shepard should be thinking about her BOYFRIEND GARRUS in her last moments?? (I’ve read that one of the flashes is suppose to be your love interest) Why on earth did I get Liara? I never had a relationship with anyone exept Garrus, I even kept Shepard single troughout ME1 because I only wanted to romance Garrus in my playtrough! Makes.. no…sense…

((After downloading the Extended Cut DLC))

Ok, I admit this DLC fixes a few of the biggest questions, not in a totally logic way though… But fair enough! The mass relays don’t kill off the galaxy, the Normandy is told to retreat (I’m guessing that’s when he takes the time to get the crew on earth. My new nickname for Joker is now “the flash“) : P They do still crash on the planet but somehow they manage to make enough repairs so they can get airborn again. The alien fleet in space and on earth just flies home and get’s there in time for supper! (still kind of weird) But at least they lived happily ever after I guess! That’s also what I wanted so no point in complaining…. Even though space travel now seems to include magic somehow : P

But the biggest letdown remain, the HUGE hole in the story. Or maybe not hole but just a really confucing matter. Trough ME1 and ME2 Shepard has been working to unite her crew, all speices, helping them drop old grudges and accept eachother, ultimatley working thowards a common goal. In ME3 this is extended to the whole galaxy. Tolerance, understanding and unity has always been key in the series. But suddenly all that is cast aside and left us with 3 choises that has NOTHING to do with what the game has been all about. The synthesis ending totally disregards the idea of tolerance and unity altogether by forcing all the life in the galaxy to become this new utlimate DNA mix. The control ending forces the Reapers to obey you, probably reculting in them eventually trying to ruin everything again, I mean they really don’t seem to grasp the consept of tolerance. The destruction ending is no better because it means forcing all synthetics lifeforms to give up their existance!

This ending really contredicts everything the series has been about all along, almost making you feel like everything you done was just in vain. You’re being forced to pick an option that disregards free will and contredicts the games story so far. What were they thinking, did they let the intern make the ending? Has this intern even played the games?? (I’m guessing not! x( ) I have to say I’m very dissapointed, and now I’m also quite worried about ME4! Let’s just hope they learned something from this disaster…

Day of DOOM!

Omg what a week I’ve had! πŸ˜› When I’m not gaming and saving the virual world I work at a grocery store… And let me tell you, you don’t know real stress until you worked at a grocery store while a holiday is comming up! Christmas, Easter… EVERYONE is shopping food like it’s their last day alive! x) And this week in sweden, actually tomorrow, we are celebrating Midsommer, it’s the longest day of our short summer so before it starts getting cold and dark again we go all out by eating alot of food and drinking until the last man falls! xD At least that is what it is all about these days, it’s getting more rare that you actually celebrate in the old traditional way. I guess the important parts stayed, the food and the booze! πŸ˜‰ Haha!

Well anyway, this week has been so exausting! I have been working alot and I haven’t had any energy left over to play something after I got home from work, just work, eat, bed, repeat πŸ˜› Today was extra exausting… I started working at 5am, worked until 11, did my own pre-midsummer shopping, got on again at 14.45pm and worked until 20.00. If it weren’t for all the nice people I met today I would have been totally beat! Oh! Even though he will probably never see this I would like to thank the guy at Subway for the free cookie! The extra sugar helped me endure the day! Thank you! xD

Gaming wise there is not much to tell.. Oh there is one thing! I finally finished Mass Effect 3 last weekend, after restarting the whole game twise and playing the citadel dlc 3 times I finally realized it was time to end it, and the ending… What can I say… (I’m not mad…. I’m dissapointed! Well maybe a little mad…. ;P) I will make a post about my feelings thowards the ME3 ending on sunday, it will not be pretty! πŸ˜› Haha!

I’ve been trying to play some Patapon on PsP but my brain has neen to tired to keep the rythm up x) Maybe after midsommer my energy will be back! ^^ The patapons actually remind me of us celebrating midsummer here, minus the spears! xP haha! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

My Top 10 Favorites from E3 2014!

So E3 is over for this year! Sad in one way, but good in another! (It was kind of messing up my normal sleepΒ schedule to stay up until 6am 4 days i a row!) xD I thought I would share my 10 favoites with you! ^^ (I tried to make it top 5 so it wouldn’t get so long… but it wasn’t possible! Haha!)

10. Fantasy Life
It looks so cute and I really like the idea and the gameplay! If Animal Crossing, a studio ghibli movie and any RPG game would all make a baby it would probably be like this game! And the music is made by the amazing Nobou Uematsu! I love his work and him making the music makes me want this game so much more!

9. White Night
I love the film noire style of this game, looks really cool! I also love horror games and this one has a puzzle element to it too! Sounds veryΒ promising! I really don’t know much about this game but I knew I had to get it after seeing just a few seconds of the trailer! ^^

8. Evolve
This game lookes like it could be really fun! A multiplayer battle royale, 3 on 1 one versus a BIG monster! Like an epic boss fight that could go on forΒ like an hour maybeΒ depending on the players! Looks very cool if you ask me!

7. Sunset Overdrive
A goofy cartoon zombie shooter, packed with silly weapons and awesome sense of humor??? YES please! πŸ˜€ It looks like sooo much fun to jump around doing crazy stunts killing hordes of zombies while doing it! Looks like I’m gonna have to buy myself a Xbox One after all! Haha! xP

6. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
I never played a game entierly controlled by the stylus so I really don’t know ifΒ that’s good or bad.(I’ve heard many say it’s bad) But looking at the gameplay it looks awesome! I mean come on!Β A clay kirby! πŸ˜€ Soooo adorable! ^^

5. Ori and the Blind Forest
Omg this game looks so… beautiful! And I don’t just mean the graphics and the levelΒ designΒ but the story as well! I love these kindΒ of indie games who has an artistic feel to them! I really want to play this one! Warning, grab a tissue, the trailer is so sad! πŸ˜₯

4. Yoshi’s Woolly World
Yoshi is my favorite! I always play him in any Mario Kart or Mario Party game! πŸ˜€ If I have the option to choose him I will! So him getting a new game for the Wii U is awesome news! And it looks sooo adorable with the knitted textures! ^^ I can’t wait to play it!

3. Both of the new Zelda Games
We got a veeery sneaky peak at the upcomming zelda game and it lookedΒ absolutely stunning! :O I love the open world idea, the thrill of exploration is something I really learned to love playing Skyrim ^^ The other Zelda game, Hyrule Warriors also looked like a really cool mash up of to game series! I mean come on, who doesn’t love a good hack’n slash game ;D And throw in some Zelda in the recepie can only make it better!

2. Assassins Creed Unity
Like some of you might know I’m a BIG fan of the AC series so of course this goes in the top of my 10 favorite games to look forward to! ^^ I don’t really need to ramble on about how cool I thought it looked! I’ll spare you! xD I always look forward to a new AC because I know Ubisoft can give me what I want! Haha!

“But hey, Jen! It is listed as your 2nd top favorite! Wft???” Yes it is! You have a keen eye there! ;D My favorite from E3 2014 is…….*drumroll*


1. Grim Fandango!!!
This was the biggest and by far the best suprise if you ask me! It even trumps the new AC! (Sorry AC, I still ❀ U)Β I can’t belive they were able to keep this a secret! :O I have been talking about how the should make a Grim Fandango remake for yeeeeeears now! It is such a great game that really deserves to get a remake. I was beyond happy when the announced it! (It was the funniest gameΒ announcing I’ve ever seen too)Β xDΒ I was never able to play the whole game due to my computer being “too new” and nothing I tried worked to fix the problem. But now I willΒ finally get to play it from start to finish without it crashing on me! (And also earning some trophys for my trophy race with Likilato ;D) I can’t wait! I just hope I can afford a PS4 in time for the realease! x)

The honoroble mention goes to the game, or DLC rather, with the mostΒ epic name I heard in a long time! (Maybe ever??) It’s Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha!! Oh capcom! You’re so funny! xD

So, what were your favorites from E3?? Feel free to tell me in the comments! ^^

Thoughts on E3 so far…

I’m actually happy with E3 2014 so far (Ok, I’m not really that hard to please when it comes to games, I loove it too much! ;D I’m the happy video game nerd! ^^ As long as it’s not sports! Haha!) But I’ve been hearing people saying it sucks bla bla bla.. But hey, It’s still early in this console generation, the developers are still probably figuring out the consoles and stuff, but when they do we will probably see some AMAZING games! But so far I think we are up to a good start!

The new Zelda looked stunning! And don’t get me started on Yoshi’s Wolly World.. Omg it looked so… wolly! xD I’ve seen some more Sunset Overdrive gameplay and I will definetly buy it! Looks like so much fun! ^^ I like games with a silly/fun side. Nintendo announcing Mario Party 10! :O Awesome! Little Big Planet 3!!! LBP is one of my all time favorite “cheer me up” games! It so silly and fun and the new characters gives the game a whole new side to the puzzle solving ^^ We have some great Indie games coming our way also! Looking great! Next years E3 will probably be so epic! ^^

Well ok! I’m kind of disapointed about there not being any news about The Last Guardian. I was hoping for a big reveal with fireworks, konfetti, people spitting fire… the whole sheewBANG! But no, nothing! 😦 No Kingdom Hearst 3, no Final Fantasy 15.. And Valve did not even bother to come to E3? What about Portal 3?? Half-Life 3??? Left 4 Dead 3???? No? You guys hate the nr 3 or what?? :((( Oh well.. I’m expecting these games next year.. ok valve?? xD Don’t disapoint me!

E3 day 0 and 1! What games have they shown so far??

So E3 is happening right now! Yaay! πŸ˜€ So far I think It has been great! I mean it’s still early in this console generation so we can’t really expect too much right? πŸ™‚ Still I think we are up to a good start! Even microsoft had a pretty good press conference compared to last year! They showed some microsoft exclusive games like Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2, Fable Legends, Dance Central Spotlight and Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha. ( OMG! That title! xD ) They also showed Rise of the Tomb Raider, Evolve, Crackdown, The Witcher 3.. Some pretty interesting indie titels (I’m a sucker for indie games ❀ ^^) Inside, White Night, Cuphead, Grave, Woolfe, Hellraid, #IDARB and Ori and the Blind Forest. The trailer for the last one was so sad, beautiful but sooo sad! πŸ˜₯

They also showed off their Project Spark, this game actually looks pretty cool, kinda makes me considering getting a xbox one one day! :O It’s a open-world digital canvas game letting you build your own worlds, create a story and share with the world! Looks awesome! Too bad I suck at those kind of games! xD I loved the Conker guest starring in the end! Haha! Conker is one of my all time favorite game characters! ^^ Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Next up was the EA press conference! Here we got to see Dragon Age: Inquisition, Battlefield Hardline, The Sims 4 (yay) and a veeeery small sneak peak at Mirrors Edge 2 and the new Mass Effect. I’m not even remotly a sports fan but the golf game with the action mode actually looked… fun! The exploding golf was hilarious! xD Way to go making me interested in a golfing game! They should make the whole game like that and maybe I’ll buy it! Haha!

Oooooh the Ubisoft press conference was AWESOME! πŸ˜€ ASSASSINS CREED UNITY PEOPLE! xD Eeeeeeeeeek! I’m so psyked about this game! Haha! The so beautiful and fellow gamer girl Aisha Tyler was hosting and I think Ubisoft really brought it this year! We got to see FarCry 4, Tom Clancy’s The Division, The Crew, Just Dance 2015, Shape Up, Valiant Hearts: The Great War and Rainbow Six Siege! The new Just Dance game has a cool new feature, an app making it possible for anyone to play using a smartphone, also allowing more than 4 people to play at the same time! 20! 200! 2000! No problem! Use the app and just dance! ;D

Last on day 0, but not at all least! The Playstation press conference!!! And what and ending to a great day! They showed us Destiny, The Order, Entwined, Little Big Planet 3 (OMG YES!), Bloodborne, Dead Island 2, Abzu, Magica 2, GRIM FANDANGO (I’M SO HAPPY), Rainbow 6: Siege, Let It Die, No Man’s Sky, Batman: Arkham Knight, Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain and Uncharted 4!!

——Day 1——

Today Nintendo showed what games they had to offer as well, we got to see Yoshi’s Wooly World, Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Bayonetta 2, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Hyrule Warriors and some absolutely stunning footage of the new Zelda game!

Omg so many games! And I didn’t even include them all! And there is still more to come! πŸ˜€ It’s good to be a gamer right now! My favorites so far are AC Unity (of course! πŸ˜‰ ), Grim Fandango, Yoshi’s Wooly World… Oh and LBP 3 looks awesome too! πŸ˜€ I really liked the Witcher 3 gameplay, the envoirment was so stunning! :O The Sims 4, Zelda… And Mario Maker looks like the best idea ever! x)

Oh! Before I wrap this up I just want to say congratulations to Gonzalo Barrios who just won the Super Smash Bros tournament! And great job everyone else as well! It was really fun to watch! ^^ Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Good Night! ^^


I’ve been up all night watching E3, it’s like 05:30am here so I really need to sleep… I’ll do my E3 first day post in the morning, so for now I just had to say something real quick before sleeping…


Ok.. That’s all!
Good night! (morning) x)