My Wii Called Me Fat! :(

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Haha! I knew I gained some unnecessary weight (too much gaming and pizza šŸ˜‰ ) but calling me overweight is a little bit cruel! xD Stupid Wii… Haha! Oh well, one more reason to start exercising for real I guess! I am already trying to integrate exercising as a part of my life, mainly to get more energy (more energy to play video games) and I’m also too much of a cheapskate to buy new clothes xD I’m also planning to cosplay as Laura Croft at Swedens ComiCon in november so it won’t hurt to get a little fit, so I can pull it off! ;D

Me and my honey have been playing the Cat-Mario game (Super Mario 3D World) and we love it! ^^ It’s sooooo cute that you can be a cat! They managed to capture some typical “cat behaviours” too. Like how they wiggle their butts before charging forward! So adorable! xD There was one thing that struck me about the story in the game tho.. The evil Bowser caught all these poor faries in jars.. Mean huh?? But wait.. Doesn’t that sound like someone else we know?? Ring any bells? LINK! xD When he does it it’s TOTALLY ok… But when Bowser does it he is evil and must be stopped! Haha! I just find that a bit funny! I mean those poor faries must have been trapped in there for weeks, months! Or maybe forever if he forgets to let them out after his adventure is over! xD Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

On another topic, I still haven’t managed to get my stream working šŸ˜¦ But I might have managed to figure out how to solove it, it may just be a temporary problem, busy twitch servers! If that’s what is causing it it will kind of solove itself, I’ll just have to find a less busy time/day to stream. Or the problem might be that I need a bigger RAM for my computer. I’m gonna look into it some more this week! So for now it will just be the cats watching as I play! xD Happy gaming everyone!